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Shapeshifter Yoga

Shapeshifter Yoga

So you’re looking to tone muscles, lose fat, and boost your confidence, but you don’t want to lift weights, get a gym membership, or spend lots of money? Shapeshifter Yoga is a program written by Kris Fondran, a former marathon competitor, who holds a Master’s degree in Exercise Science. It promises to burn fat and to improve your posture for a small fee in the comfort of your own home.

Kris Fondran was an active child. As a young adult, she competed in marathons. When Kris was in her twenties, she began to experience the aches and pains common in long distance runners. She found yoga to be the exercise that helped her stay active while improving her flexibility and toning her muscles.

Kris also found that yoga was the ultimate anti-aging medicine. At the age where most people are slowing down and thinking of retirement, Kris, now in her late forties, continues to stay active with yoga and inline skating.

With over 12 years of teaching and yoga practice, Kris developed Shapeshifter Yoga, a breakthrough program to help people transform their bodies in as little as one hour of exercise a week. Click here to learn more about the program.